We believe that being a winner isn't determined alone by how we place at competitions, but rather by the strides we take as athletes, competitors, and teammates. While we're proud of our national rankings, we're even more proud of the character of the athletes who call Fusion home.
See what our athletes and their parents have to say about us:
“The past 12 months have been some of the hardest for everyone!
My athlete, like everyone’s, was devastated after having the previous season ended due to Covid...and then, just after choreography, a injury suddenly ended this season for her as well! As a parent, I was worried about my child. It has been so tough to keep kids mentally positive and engaged during this pandemic- but now her safe place, her outlet, her passion...it would be put on pause while she recovered.
But...Her coaches and teammates have been amazing to her during this tough time! They have kept her engaged as a team member even through she isn’t on the floor. I have watched them give her roles on the team and in the gym to help her develop skills off the cheer mat. They periodically check in with her to see how her rehab is coming and then ask how she is feeling mentally as well.
Nobody asked them to do this.
I can’t even imagine the state my daughter would be in without those coaches - a testament to the leadership and role models at Fusion!
Over our last 11 years at Fusion, my girls have won a lot of jackets, titles, and bids.
But the way they have helped my athlete who is not cheering this season is more impressive and important than any accolade she could ever win! There is no other place I would rather my kids grow up in. So grateful we have our Fusion Family! This gym truly is their home away from home!”
“We have been part of the Fusion Family for 2 seasons now. When I started my search for somewhere my daughter could join, I came across Fusion. Knowing nothing about competitive cheer and having a child that could not even do a cartwheel, we took a leap of faith in hopes that it would help her come out of her shell and make some new friends. Not only has our daughter mastered a cartwheel and tumbles at a level 2, she has made life long friends. We have loved being part of this family. It definitely feels like a family. From coaches, athletes to parents..it has been the BEST decision we have made for our daughter. We love Fusion and will be back EVERY season!!
Thanks for allowing us to be part of such an amazing program! ”
““Quality is important to me. If you are going to spend the time, money, and energy in an activity for your child, you want the very best. The best is FUSION! Don’t waste your time anywhere else. Its an impressive organization. We love it!””
““I have cheered with fusion from 2009! it was a great team and girls were like sisters i have learned self respect , and learned how to push myself , i loved this team so much. i think of em and ash as my moms ha. fusion has made me want to take this and cheer in college i love watching old videos and watching how much i grew . thanks fusion gym!””
““I was really impressed when my daughter and I first walked into the Fusion All Stars gym. We both were greeted by a friendly lady named Camie and were asked if there was something she could help us with. My daughter tried the class that was offered and we ended up joining the FUSION family that day. Ever since I have been nothing but happy with the FUSION staff, coaches and parents. We would never think about going anywhere else. FUSION is FANTASTIC!!!””
““FUSION is FAMILY! We have the best Coaches! the BEST cheerleaders and the cheer mom’s and dad’s are great. (there NOTHING like the DANCE MOM”S haha) Looking forward to another GREAT, EXCITING, FUN, WINNING YEAR!! GO FUSION!! YOU ROCK!!””
“I couldnt even think about being at any other gym. i love all the coaches and all the cheerleaders!””
““I have 2 daughters on the Fusion team, one of them has been with Fusion since it started as a Rec team in 2005. We are so happy with the program, we’d never go anywhere else. They continue to learn new things every year. They have learned to win and lose, they have learned life long skills, how to work hard individually and as a team, make goals, accomplish goals and our entire family has made life long friends. They know they are always loved when they walk in the doors at Fusion, and I know they are happy and will work hard when they walk in the doors at Fusion. We love our Fusion family! Go FUSION!!!””